There seem to be two schools of thought with Street Fighter 6. On one hand, people are very excited as the trailers do look excellent. However, on the other hand, some people remember how barebones the Street Fighter V launch was and are a bit more apprehensive. Both these points of view are completely valid and understandable if you ask us! With the release date of Street Fighter 6 being confirmed as June 2nd, 2023, we thought we would look at the different editions of Street Fighter 6.
Pre Order Bonuses
As is the case with all games these days, Street Fighter 6 does have some pre order bonuses. Six characters will get a bonus outfit color, Ken, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Juri, Jamie, and Manon. Also, if you are playing the game on PlayStation, you will get a little extra as you will get 18 player tiles and chat stickers, but this is only if you get the digital version of the game.
Street Fighter 6 Standard Edition

The first bit of good news about the Street Fighter 6 Standard Edition is that Capcom has resisted the temptation to make this a 70 bucks game! Instead, it will be sold on all platforms, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC for 60 bucks. This is the base version of the game; you get the game and that is all. It is worth noting that the PS4 version no matter if you buy it physically or digitally does come with a free PS5 upgrade.
Street Fighter 6 Deluxe Edition

Coming in at 25 bucks more we have the Street Fighter 6 Deluxe Edition and which is available physically and digitally. The big draw here is that it comes with the year 1 character pass which will give you access to the four characters that will be released after the game’s launch. You will also get extra colors for these characters as well as 4,200 Drive Tickets which are the game’s currency.
Year 1 Character Pass: Four Characters
Colors For Year 1 Characters
4,200 Drive Tickets
Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition
Last, but by no means least we have the Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition and this version of the game is only available digitally. This is priced at just over 100 bucks. With this, you get all of the same content that you get with the Street Fighter 6 Deluxe Edition, but you also get 4 character costumes, outfit 2 and another four character costumes outfit 3. There are also two extra stages and you get 7,700 Drive Tickets as well.
Year 1 Character Pass: Four Characters
Colors For Year 1 Characters
Character Costumes: Outfit 2
Character Costumes: Outfit 3
Two New Stages
7,700 Drive Tickets
Which Edition Of Street Fighter 6 Should I Buy?
As we said, we get that some people may be a bit apprehensive to give Capcom money after the launch of Street Fighter V, yet Street Fighter V did grow to be one of the best games of its generation, Capcom surely will not repeat those same launch mistakes with this game! Street Fighter 6 is the most exciting fighting game to be released in 2023! If you are a little on the apprehensive side, but still want to play it, go for the standard edition, you can always buy the character pass at a later date if you get really into it. If you are a huge Street Fighter fan and know you want those extra characters, currency, and so on, you are better off getting either the Street Fighter 6 Deluxe Edition or the Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition, but remember the Ultimate Edition is digital only!