
What edition of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League should I buy?  

It feels like forever ago since Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League was announced! Well, all that is in the past now as we have a release date as well as a few different editions of the game to think about buying when it is released in 2024. A few lucky gamers have already had a chance to play it thanks to the super secret closed alpha test that took place recently and there are some very positive things flying around about it. 

That is why today we are looking at what the different editions of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is so you know which one to set your Deadshot sights on!

When Is It Out & What Is It On?

The release date for this feels like it has been pushed more than Batman’s tolerance for The Joker! However, it looks like the February 2nd, 2024 release date is pretty set in stone right now. The game is going to be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC. If you get one of the deluxe editions though, you get to play the game on January 30th, 2024. 

Is There A Pre-Order Bonus?

Is there a pre-order bonus? Does Killer Croc poop in the sewer? Of course, there is a pre-order bonus! There are actually two! Anyone who pre-orders Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will get access to the Classic Outfits pack which gives each character an extra skin based on their original comic book (and in Harley’s case animated series) appearance. 

Those who pre-order on PlayStation 5 as well as getting the Classic Outfits pack will also get the Rogue Outfits Pack. Before Xbox and PC owners start to freak out, while a neat little bonus, these extra costumes are very basic tinkering of their basic costumes. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Standard Edition 

The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Standard Edition is the base version of the game. You can get this digitally on all three platforms as well as physically on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S. You just get the game here, but while it has a $69,99/£69,99 asking price digitally. Physically, the game has already been significantly discounted with some places such as Amazon in the UK offering the PlayStation 5 version for £54,99 so make sure you shop around. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Deluxe Editon

Only available physically and for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Deluxe Edition has an RRP of $99,99/£89,99. With this, you get the base game and the pre-order content if you buy before February 2nd. It also comes with some other cool stuff, including some awesome skins as well as 72 hour early access. The Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Deluxe Edition comes with the following items,

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Base Game

Four Justice League Outfits (one for each member)

Three Black Mask Themed Notorious Weapons (sniper riffle, pistol & heavy weapon)

Four Squad Golds Themed Weapon Dolls (one for each member)

One Premium Battle Pass Token

72 Hours Early Access

You undoubtedly get some cool stuff here, especially those awesome Justice League skins, however, it is a rather large jump up from the price of the Standard Edition to this considering there are no physical goodies inside!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Digital Deluxe Edition

As the title gives away, the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Digital Deluxe Edition is digital only, but it is available on all three platforms. The asking price for this is $99,99/£99,99. From what we have seen you get all the content that comes with the physical Deluxe Edition, but you also get No Shade Color Swatches too. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Base Game

Four Justice League Outfits (one for each member)

Three Black Mask Themed Notorious Weapons (sniper riffle, pistol & heavy weapon)

Four Squad Golds Themed Weapon Dolls (one for each member)

One Premium Battle Pass Token

72 Hours Early Access

No Shade Color Swatches

Much like the physical edition. We feel that this is a little pricey for what you are getting!

What Edition Of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Should I Buy?

We have to be honest here and say that as cool as those Justice League costumes are, there is just not enough meat on the bone to justify the rather hefty price jump. Granted, you are getting a Battle Pass Token which if you get super invested in the game will be a huge deal. However, the game is not out so how do you know for sure this is going to be a game that you want to experience a whole battle pass for? We feel that with so much being uncertain about this game, the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League standard edition is the way to go. 

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