Cities: Skylines II is a game that has many people who love their city-building games very excited! This is said to be the most realistic and in depth city building game ever! Here you can build a city from scratch and design every nook and cranny. However, you need to make sure that your city is functioning right, you are using public money wisely, and that your citizens are happy! It is a very deep, challenging, but fun experience that those who are into this kind of thing are sure to dump tons of hours into!
Cities: Skylines II does have a few different versions available for you to consider and today we are helping you lay the foundations so you can make the best choice possible when it comes to which edition of Cities: Skylines II you could buy!
When Is It Out & What Is It On
As of writing, Cities: Skylines II is scheduled for release on October 24th, 2023. The game is going to be available on PC, Xbox Series, and PlayStation 5. No Nintendo Switch or last gen versions of the game are planned. It is worth noting that Cities: Skylines II is going to be released on Xbox Game Pass on day one!
Is There A Pre-Order Bonus?
Yes, if you decide to pre-order Cities: Skylines II, you will get 9 unique landmark buildings. These are based on iconic landmarks from around the world such as The London Eye, Xi’an Bell Tower, and Notre Dame. You also get a map that is based on Tampera in Finland which is cool. The landmarks alone make pre-ordering the game worthwhile in our opinion.
Cities: Skylines II Standard Edition/Day One Edition

The Cities: Skylines II Standard Edition is also referred to as the Cities: Skylines II Day One Edition, but we cannot find any differences between the two. It appears that the Day One Edition is the -pre-order edition that comes with those pre-order goodies. This is available digitally and physically and is currently listed at $49,99/£44,99.
Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition

Ok, so full disclosure here, we have only been able to find a UK and Europe listing so far for the Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition which is a physical version of the game that is available for both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. By the time you read this an American version may be announced at a retailer. However, as of us writing this, we could not find an American retailer that was offering this. Priced at £84,99, the Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition comes with some cool physical and digital items which are,
The Digital Expansion Pass (containing content for the next year)
A Special Steelbook Case
Double Sided Drawable City Maps
Two Special Cities: Skylines II Themed Pens To Use on the Map
Getting the DLC that will be released through the next year is awesome (which we detail just down below), but it is so cool that you get a couple of physical items with this as well, not to mention the nice big box that it comes in too.
Cities: Skylines II Ultimate Edition
Next up we have the Cities: Skylines II Ultimate Edition which is digital only and available on all three platforms. It is listed at $89,99/£74,99 on console with the PC version being a few bucks cheaper. With this you get the Digital Expansion Pass which contains the following in game items to use in the coming 12 months.
San Francisco Set
Beach Properties Asset Pack (Due Q4 2023)
Content Creator Packs (Due Q1 2024)
Bridges and Ports Expansion (Due Q2 2024)
Radio Stations (A new one due each quarter starting with Q4 2023)
This is the version of the game for you if you know for sure that you will want the DLC that will be released in the year after the game has launched.
Which Edition Of Cities: Skylines II Should I Buy?
If you never played the original game and think that Cities: Skylines II looks neat, but also have an Xbox, you are probably best playing this on Game Pass before spending any money on it. Those who are not sure that city builder games are for them or who have not played one in a very long time may want to just go for the Cities: Skylines II Standard Edition or Cities: Skylines II Day One Edition as that is the cheapest way. If you loved the first game the Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition could be worth your time as this is a game that does not have much in the way of merch or collectibles so getting those maps, the pens, and the awesome big box would be a nice item to add to your collection.
Of course, if the Cities: Skylines II Premium Edition is not available in your region, but you loved the first game and bought its DLC, Cities: Skylines II Ultimate Edition is the way to go as it will save you a couple of bucks over buying the DLC at a later date.